38 Chapter 1
Getting Started
Installing Optional Measurement Personalities
The Exit Main Firmware key is used during the firmware installation
process. This key is only for use when you want to update firmware
using a LAN connection. The
Exit Main Firmware key halts the operation
of the instrument firmware so you can install an updated version of
firmware using a LAN connection. Instructions for loading future
firmware updates are available at the following URL:
Viewing a License Key
Measurement personalities purchased with your instrument have been
installed and enabled at the factory. You will receive a unique License
Key number with every measurement personality purchased. The
license key number is a hexadecimal number that is for your specific
measurement personality, instrument serial number and host ID. It
enables you to install, or reactivate that particular personality.
Follow these steps to display the unique license key for a measurement
personality that is already installed in your instrument:
1. Press
System, Install, Choose Option. The Choose Option key accesses the
alpha editor. Use the alpha editor to enter letters (upper-case) and
the front-panel numeric keys to enter digits for a personality option
that is already installed in the instrument.
2. Press the
Done key on the alpha editor menu. The unique license key
number for your instrument will now appear on the
License Key
You will want to keep a copy of your license key number in a secure
location. Please enter your license key numbers below for future
reference. If you should lose your license key number, call your nearest
Agilent Technologies service or sales office for assistance.
If you purchase an option later, you will receive a certificate that
indicates the unique license key that you will need for you to install
that option on your particular serial number instrument.
License Key Numbers for Instrument with Serial # ________
For Option______________ the license key number is _____________________
For Option______________ the license key number is _____________________
For Option______________ the license key number is _____________________
For Option______________ the license key number is _____________________
For Option______________ the license key number is _____________________
For Option______________ the license key number is _____________________