Chapter 4 91
Making Measurements
Preparing for Measurements
• Avg Number - Modifies the number of times the current
measurement will be repeated with the results from the repeated
measurements averaged. Increased averages usually give more
accurate results. There will be an increase in the time taken to make
a measurement if the number of averages is increased.
• Avg Mode - Selects between an
Exp (exponential) or a Repeat mode
of averaging. This selection only affects the averaging after the
number of N averages is reached (set using
Avg Number). Normal
(linear) averaging is always used until the specified number of N
averages is reached. When
Measure is set to Single, data acquisitions
are stopped when the number of averages is reached. Therefore
has no effect on single measurements.
Exponential averaging: When
Measure is set at Cont (continuous)
data acquisitions will continue indefinitely. After N averages,
exponential averaging is used with a weighting factor of N (the
displayed average count stops at N). Exponential averaging
weights new data more than old data, which facilitates tracking
of slow-changing signals. The value of N is set through use of the
Average key or the Avg Bursts key.
Repeat averaging: When
Measure is set at Cont, data acquisitions
will continue indefinitely. After N averages is reached, all
previous result data is cleared and the average count is set back
to 1. This is equivalent to pressing
Measure, Single and then
pressing the
Restart key each time the single measurement
• Avg Type - Allows you to select type of averaging. Only the types of
averaging that are appropriate for the current measurement are
available in that measurement. The following average types are
Pwr Avg - Averages the power, which is equivalent to the rms of
the voltage. This is the default type of averaging.
Log-Pwr Avg - The log of the power is averaged. This is also
known as video averaging.
Voltage Avg - The voltage is averaged.
Maximum - The maximum values are retained.
Minimum - The minimum values are retained.