
Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 28-11
Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
set spantree config
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Sets the Spanning Tree Protocol configuration. The default setting is per-
Syntax set spantree config {ieee | per-vlan | dual-layer | disable}
Sample Output The following example sets the spanning tree protocol to ieee.
(configure)# set spantree config ieee
Config successfully set to ieee
Systems P550R, P580, P880, and P882.
Table 28-7. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
ieee The entire switch is a single IEEE 802.1D-compliant bridge.
per-vlan Each VLAN functions as a separate IEEE 802.1D-compliant
bridge. VLAN bridges can only be displayed when in per-
vlan or dual-layer mode.
dual-layer A proprietary version of per-VLAN, where the vlan id is
embedded as a tag within the bridge PDUs.
disable Disables spanning tree on the switch.