Chapter 32
32-32 Command Reference Guide for the Avaya P580 and P882 Multiservice Switches, v6.1
Command Mode Privileged.
Description Creates a new user account. You can create up to 27 user accounts.
To Create: username <name> password [encrypted-type1]
<passwd> [access-type {read-only | read-write | admin |
<catName>}] [mgmt-type [all] [local-cli] [remote-cli]
To Delete: no username <name>
To Set
Period and
username <name> [exp-period <exp-period>] [exp-
warning <exp-warning>]
To Enable
or Disable:
username <name> status {enable | disable}
Table 32-17. Parameters, Keywords, Arguments
Name Definition
<name> The user name that you want to create. User names can
consist of a maximum of 31 characters.
[encrypted-type1] Indicates that user password is an MD5-encrypted string.
If you enter the [encrypted-type1] option, you must enter an
MD5-encrypted string for the <passwd> argument.
<passwd> The password for the user name. Passwords can consist of a
maximum of 31 characters.
Note: Do not use a combination of the following special
characters for the password ;, ?, \,(,),#, $,%, ^, &, or
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