
Document No. 10-300090, Issue 1 32-17
User Interface
set login
Command Mode Global Configuration.
Description Configures user account security.
Syntax set login [attempts <num-login-attempts>] [timeout-limit <timeout-limit>]
[min-password-length <min-password-length>]}
Systems P580 and P882.
Table 32-7. Keywords, Arguments, and Options
Name Definition
<num-login-attempts> Number of login attempts that you want to
allow users. When a user exceeds the limit for
login attempts, his or her user account is
disabled and the switch displays an error
Valid values for this field are 3 to 99 login
<timeout-limit> Number of seconds that you want a user
account disabled when the limit for login
attempts is exceeded. Once the timeout limit
expires, the user can attempt to login again.
<min-password-length> Minimum number of characters that you want
to allow for user passwords. If a user attempts
to create a password with fewer characters,
the switch displays the following error
Password too short – must be
at least <x> characters.