4−30 Installation and Maintenance Volume
Octel 200/300 S.4.1 PB60019−01
4.7 OCTEL 200/300 TESTING
The Octel 200/300 should always be checked for proper operation after the configuration database is
installed or changes are made. In addition to the message server test, other tests should be made before
the Octel 200/300 is connected. These tests are described in this section. The tests require the following
- Three touchtone telephones; label the telephones as telephone A, telephone B, and telephone C
- One terminal, directly connected to the Octel 200/300, SP1 or J1, with an RS-232C cable
- One hard copy of the configuration database
- Two extensions for testing, connected to telephone jacks (in addition to the extension associated with
the Octel 200/300)
- One modular adapter, Arminger 8-position modular adapter, Part No. AA-2560A, TRW Cinch Super
Mod 25, or Allen Tel AT125−5M or GB 125−5M, is recommended depending on the cards and lines
being used.
. These tests assume that no other calls are being made to the Octel 200/300. If calls are received,
the port status could become confusing and might affect the test results.
Operational Test To Verify Dial Tone on PBX Extensions
Verify that dial tone is present on each PBX extension associated with the Octel 200/300, as follows:
1. Disconnect the 25-pair cables from the back of the Octel 200/300.
2. Connect the modular adapter to the 25-pair cable associated with slot one.
3. Connect a touch-tone single-line telephone to the first jack position of the adapter.
4. Go off-hook. Is dial tone present?
' Continue for all extensions and cables, for each slot configured in the message
server. Proceed to the test in the next section.
' Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing.
Extension Number Check
Verify that the PBX extension numbers match the Octel 200/300 SLOTS Table, as follows:
1. Refer to the configuration database listing, specifically to the SLOTS Table.
2. Connect the telephone labeled B to the modular-adapter position associated with port 1.
3. Connect the telephones labeled A and C to the two test telephone jacks.
4. From telephone A, enter the extension number associated with telephone B.
5. Does telephone B ring?
' Answer the call, verify the circuit quality, and move telephone B to the next Oc-
tel 200/300 jack. Continue the procedure until all extensions are tested, then proceed to
the test in the next section.
' Determine the cause and correct the problem before continuing.
PBX Functional Test
Verify that each Octel 200/300 port extension can initiate a transfer by doing a hookswitch flash or using a
transfer key, before entering an extension number. Also, verify that you can reconnect to the caller when
the extension called is not answered or busy. Perform the following steps.