Log Commands 7-7
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Table 7-1 Trace Activity Types
PORT Port activity
FAX_CHN Fax channel activity
FAX_MSG Fax message activity
MBX Mailbox activity
MSG Message activity
NET_MSG Network message activity
LAN_IN Request received by this server from the LAN
LAN_OUT Request sent from this server to the LAN
LAN_MSG Message activity initiated by the LAN
LANLOST LAN has lost communication
LANSYNC LAN has synchronized communication
LAN_CTY Courtesy operation (UP or DOWN specified in the EVENT field)
ONT_IN An OctelNet (Protocol 5) packet received by server
ONT_OUT An OctelNet (Protocol 5) packet sent out by server
ONT_ERR An OctelNet (Protocol 5) protocol error occurred
NAM_DIR Dial-by-Name directory activity
INTG_C Card-based integration record, including MIC, RIC, ATTIC, SL1, and M1 integrations
INTG_CA Card-based ANI integration record
INTG_R RS-232C integration record
INTG_D DTMF integration record
LINK_AP Application control processor link activity
AP Application control processor mailbox activity (for example, message waiting)
Packet received from the OctelAccess Server (Beginning with S3.0)
Packet sent to the OctelAccess Server
Link between OctelAccess Server and the message server is up
Link between OctelAccess Server and the message server is down
ISDNMSG Identifies activity associated with calls to a DTIC card.
INTGQRY PBX query call record types
INTGREP PBX reply call record types