Maintenance Commands 6-13
Octel 200/300 S.4.1PB60019−01
Command Basic Definition
MBLOCK msg number <Y|N>
Mark or unmark an existing message as being unplayable, system-wide. The
message is not deleted from the system or any mailboxes as a result of issuing
this command. If a message is marked as unplayable, when an attempt is made to
play the message, the server responds with the announcement: This message has
been marked unplayable by the System Administrator. Please erase.
“msg number” is the hexidecimal message identifier for the message. The
message identifier can be determined from the Call Processing Trace when the
message is recorded or played or by listing the messages for a mailbox that
contains the message.
Y marks the message as unplayable
N marks an unplayable message as being playable again
MPURG MPURG msg number <mailbox number>
Removes a message from all mailboxes in the server, or if a mailbox number is
provided in the command, removes the message from that mailbox only.
“msg number” is the hexidecimal message identifier for the message. The
message identifier can be determined from the Call Processing Trace when the
message is recorded or played or by listing the messages for a mailbox that
contains the message.
mailbox number if specified, the digits for the mailbox the message is to be
deleted from.
Use this command to block access to the Octel 200/300 through the internal
modem. When the modem is disabled, if a logon is attempted by pressing
, a caller receives the error message “That command is not
# # # 5
Restores access to the Octel 200/300 through the internal modem.
Monitors incoming call records over the RS-232C link (port 2).
. To exit the monitor mode, press .Escape
MON2 H Displays call record data in hexadecimal format as it is sent by the PBX.
MWL RECALC Use this command in certain integrations where the PBX lights lamps through a
computer (for example, AT&T System 85), when the computer has been out of
service. Examines each mailbox to determine whether its message-waiting lamp
should be turned ON or OFF.
MWOFF x Turns OFF lamp message waiting that the message server link turned ON. This
does not turn off the HASMSG flag that marks the message as newly received. In
this command, x is the mailbox number (up to eight digits). For All, enter A.
MWL RELITE This command is used in certain integrations, when the PBX has been restarted.
Use this command to turns ON all message-waiting lamps that were ON before
the PBX was restarted. The server checks the HASMSG flag. If it is still set, the
lamp is relit.