3. BitDefender 9 Antispyware
3.1. Antispyware
Monitor and prevent potential spyware threats in real-time, before they can damage
your system. By making use off a comprehensive database of spyware signatures,
your computer will remain spyware-free.
Real-Time Antispyware. BitDefender monitors dozens of potential “hotspots” in
your system where spyware might act, and also checks any changes made to your
system and software. Known spyware threats are also blocked in real-time.
Spyware scanning and cleaning. BitDefender can scan your system, or part of
it, for known spyware threats. The scan uses a constantly updated spyware signature
Active Content Control. Proactively blocks any potentially malicious application
such as: ActiveX, Java Applets or Java Scripts type codes.
Dial Control. A configurable anti-dialer prevents malicious applications from running
up a huge telephone bill at your expense.
Cookie Control. The firewall filters incoming and outgoing cookie type files,
keeping your identity and preferences confidential when you're browsing the Internet.
3.2. Other Features
Hourly Updates. Your copy of BitDefender will be updated 24 times a day over
the Internet, directly or through a Proxy Server. The product is able to repair itself
if necessary, by downloading the damaged or missing files from BitDefender servers.
BitDefender license owners benefit from free virus definition updates and free product
and features
BitDefender 9 Antispyware