Dial Control alert
You can see the name of the application and the
phone number.
Check Remember this answer option and click Yes
or No and a rule will be created, applied and listed
in the rules table. You will no longer be notified
when the application tries to dial the same phone
Every rule that has been remembered can be accessed in the Dial section for further
The rules are listed in order of their priority starting from the top, meaning the first
rule has the highest priority. Drag&drop rules in order to change their priority.
To delete a rule, just select it and click Delete. To modify a rule’s attribute just double
click its field. To temporarily deactivate a rule without deleting it, clear the corres-
ponding checkbox.
The rules can be input automatically (through the alert window) or manually (click
New rule and choose the parameters for the rule). The configuration wizard will ap-
Configuration wizard
The configuration wizard is a 2 steps procedure.
Antispyware module