Step 7/9 - Action Mode
Action Mode
BitDefender allows selecting two actions in case an infected or a suspected file is
found. Select the actions for infected and suspected files.
No action will be taken on infected files. These files will
appear in the report file.
When an infected file is detected, a window will appear
prompting the user to select the action on that file. De-
Prompt user for action
pending on the importance of that file, you can select
to disinfect it, isolate it in the quarantine zone or delete
Disinfects the infected file.Disinfect files
Deletes the infected files immediately, without any
Delete files
Changes the extension of the infected files. The new
extension of the infected files will be .vir. By renaming
Rename files
the infected files, the possibility of executing and thus
of spreading the infection is removed. At the same time
they can be saved for further examination and analysis.
Copies the infected files into the quarantine. This means
practically duplicating the infected file and the copy of
Copy files to quarantine
Antispyware module