
Thus we specify this user will have read and write access, but it is not defined yet.
Add this line at the end of the /var/net-snmp/snmptrapd.conf file and remember
the passwords should be longer than 8 characters. If the file does not exist, just create
createUser -e 0xBD224466 bitdefender MD5 <authpass> DES <privpass>
If you plan to use the INFORM alerts, without need for the EngineID, you will have to
add an user without specifying the EngineID. The user defined in the line above will
not work, so add a new one.
createUser bitdefender_inform MD5 <authpass> DES <privpass>
Let's stop a while and explain this line. You are free to change anything in it with the
only condition to reflect the changes in the BitDefender configuration.
-e 0xBD224466
This is the EngineID. It is mandatory for alerts of TRAP type and optional for INFORM
type. The alert type should be specified in
/BDUX/LoggerDaemon/Plugins/SNMP/AlertType registry key.
The EngineID must be specified also in the BitDefender registry at
/BDUX/LoggerDaemon/Plugins/SNMP/SecurityEngineID key. If not used (it is
optional when the alerts type is INFORM), the SecurityEngineID key must be
This is the user to create for authenticated SNMP v3. The same name should be
declared in the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf (please read above) and in
/BDUX/LoggerDaemon/Plugins/SNMP/SecurityName registry key.
The authentication protocol (MD5 or SHA1) used for authenticated SNMP v3. The
same value must be found in /BDUX/LoggerDaemon/Plugins/SNMP/AuthProto
registry key.
Set the authentication pass phrase used for authenticated SNMP v3 messages.
The same value must be found in
/BDUX/LoggerDaemon/Plugins/SNMP/AuthProtoPass registry key.
Set the privacy protocol (DES or AES) used for encrypted SNMP v3 messages.
The same value must be found in
/BDUX/LoggerDaemon/Plugins/SNMP/SecurityPrivProto registry key.
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