Subject: [spam] GTUBE
If you take a look at the email headers, you will notice this one:
X-BitDefender-Spam: Yes (100)
Now it is easy to create filtering rules based on the subject or, better, on the
X-BitDefender-Spam header.
RBL quick configuration
The RBL filter servers to filter spam based on mail server's reputation as spam sender.
To configure it, you can use the bdsafe command. More information can be obtained
from the User's Guide or from the bdsafe manual page.
Basically, you have to set a DNS server and one or more RBL servers, along with
their trust level.
To set the DNS server, use the following command. Use the IP address of the server.
# bdsafe configure rbl dnsserver
To add a new RBL server to the list, use the next command, specifying the hostname
and the trust level.
# bdsafe configure rbl servers add sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org,90
Finally, do not forget to enable the RBL filter.
# bdsafe group configure userblfilter Y
4. New and improved features
We have just presented the basic functionality of BitDefender Mail Protection for
Enterprises. But there is more.
4.1. Group management
The BitDefender Group Management component is used to manage users and settings
as groups in a very flexible way. It can be easily integrated with any application requiring
this feature.
BitDefender Mail Protection for Enterprises