
Basically, there are groups and user. The users are defined according to their email
address or login name, as they are seen by the server internally. Several users define
a group. The nice part is just following: you can specify various settings for each group,
such as antivirus actions, templates to be used for notification and so on.
There are two special groups: All and Default. The group All concentrates the
settings for all users, as expected, and the Default group specifies the implied settings,
if they are not defined in a certain group.
Let's play with the groups. We shall create a new one, add some users inside and
apply some settings.
First, a new group has to be created. Let's name it MyGroup and add two users identified
by their email addresses: user1@example.com and user2@example.com. Open a
terminal and run the following, as root.
# bdsafe group insert MyGroup sender user1@example.com user2@example.com
We should clarify some things, before proceeding to the next step. The bdsafe
command is the main BitDefender configuration tool. It should be wise to have a look
at the bdsafe(8) manual page, to get an idea about its options and usage.
Second, the sender option will identify the users only as email senders. If you need
to identify them as receivers, change it to recipients.
At this moment, we can list the groups and the users to check the previous command
worked. Here is the command you should run.
# bdsafe group list MyGroup
Now, we have a group and some users inside the group. Let's change the antivirus
actions to disinfect;quarantine. We have to use the same bdsafe. Please do not
forget to study the manual page for details.
# bdsafe group configure MyGroup antivirus actions disinfect;quarantine
Let's use the Default group, too: by default, the email footers should not be appended.
Here is the command.
# bdsafe group configure Default addfooters false
4.2. SNMP
The SNMP support of BitDefender Mail Protection for Enterprises consists of two
implementations: a SNMP plugin and a Logger plugin.
BitDefender Mail Protection for Enterprises