CHAPTER 9: Operation
2. Status Screen Suppressed: The status screens will not be automatically
displayed after commands are successfully executed. Note however, that the
/S command can still be invoked to display the status screen as needed.
3. "Sure?" Prompt Suppressed: All commands are executed without
prompting for user conrmation.
4. Error Messages Suppressed: If the [Enter] key is pressed without entering
a command, the Outlet Managed PDU will not respond with the "Invalid
Command" message. Note however, that an error message will still be
generated if commands are invoked using invalid formats or arguments.
All other status display and conguration commands will still function as normal.
9.4. Manual Operation
In addition to the command driven functions available via the Web Browser
Interface and Text Interface, some Outlet Managed PDU functions can also be
controlled manually. For a summary of front panel control functions, please refer to
Section 2.3.
9.5. Logging Out of Command Mode
When you have nished communicating with the Outlet Managed PDU, it is
important to always disconnect using either the "LogOut" link (Web Browser
Interface) or the /X command (Text Interface), rather than by simply closing your
browser window or communications program. When communicating via a PDA, use
the PDA’s "Close" function to disconnect and logout.
When you disconnect using the LogOut link or /X command, this ensures that the
Outlet Managed PDU has completely exited from command mode, and is not waiting
for the inactivity timeout period to elapse before allowing additional connections.