CHAPTER 5: Configuration
Note that when an Invalid Access Lockout occurs, you can either wait for the
Lockout Duration period to elapse (after which, the Outlet Managed PDU will
automatically reactivate the port), or you can issue the /UL command (type /UL and
press [Enter]) via the Text Interface to instantly unlock all of the Outlet Managed
PDU’s logical network ports.
• When the Invalid Access Lockout Alarm has been enabled as
described in Section 7.6, the Outlet Managed PDU can also
provide notification via email, Syslog Message, and/or SNMP trap
whenever an Invalid Access Lockout occurs.
• Invalid Access Lockout parameters, defined via the System
Parameters menu, will apply to both the Serial Setup Port and the
Network Port.
• When either the Setup Port or Network Port are locked, the other
port will remain unlocked, unless the Invalid Access Lockout
feature has also been triggered at that port.
• If any one of the Outlet Managed PDU’s logical network ports
is locked, all other network connections to the unit will also be
• Invalid access attempts at the Network Port are cumulative (the
count for invalid attempts is determined by the total number
of invalid attempts at all 16 logical network ports.) If a valid
password is entered at any of the logical network ports, then the
count for all logical network ports will be restarted.
• If the Network Port has been locked by the Invalid Access
Lockout feature, it will still respond to the ping command
(providing that the ping command has not been disabled at the
Network Port.)
In the Text Interface, the Invalid Access Lockout conguration menu is accessed
via the System Parameters menu. In the Web Browser Interface, the Invalid Access
Lockout conguration is accessed via the "General Parameters" link. The Invalid
Access Lockout conguration menus allow you to select the following:
• Lockout Enable: Enables/Disables the lockout feature. (Default = On.)
• Lockout Attempts: The number of invalid attempts required in order to
activate the Invalid Access Lockout feature. (Default = 9.)
• Lockout Duration: The length of time that logical network ports will remain
locked when an Invalid Access Lockout occurs. If the duration is set at
"Innite", then ports will remained locked until the /UL command is issued.
(Default = 30 Minutes.)