/RB Reboot Options
Displays a menu that is used to congure Scheduled Reboots and Ping-No-Answer
Reboots. Scheduled Reboots allow the Outlet Managed PDU to be rebooted on
a regular basis, according to a user dened schedule. Ping-No-Answer Reboots
allow the Outlet Managed PDU to automatically reboot user-designated outlets
when a user-specied IP address does not respond to a Ping command. For more
information on Reboot options, please refer to Section 6.
If desired, the Ping-No-Answer Reboot function can also be
configured to send email notification whenever a Ping-No-Answer
Reboot is generated. For more information, please refer to
Section 7.5.
Availability: Administrator
Format: /RB [Enter]
/AC Alarm Configuration Parameters
Displays a menu that is used to congure and enable the Over Current Alarms, Over
Temperature Alarms, Circuit Breaker Open Alarm, Lost Voltage Alarm, Ping-No-
Answer Alarm, Invalid Access Lockout Alarm and Plug Current Alarm. When
properly congured, the Over Current Alarms and Over Temperature Alarms offer
the option of "Load Shedding", which allows the unit to automatically switch Off
user-specied non-essential outlets when temperature or current readings exceed
user-dened values. For more information on Alarm Conguration, please refer to
Section 7.
Availability: Administrator
Format: /AC [Enter]