
Series CE7000, CE8000 and CE9000
Troubleshooting Guide for Units in Service for a Period of Time
Motor does not run Loose electrical connections The entire electrical system should be checked by a certified electrician�
The incoming wires and the compressor electrical connections should
be checked� Loose connections will cause malfunctions�
The breaker and fuses required for this unit must be time delay�
A tripped breaker or blown fuse may result from a direct short to
ground, high current draw, improper wiring, incorrect fuse or breaker
size and/or type� This needs to be evaluated by a service center or
certified electrician�
Starter overload tripped Check and reset if necessary� If the overload trips after the initial reset,
refer to the section of the manual that covers this issue�
Defectivecapacitor Check and replace (if necessary) defective capacitor�
Defectivemagneticstarter First check for any loose wiring and tighten if loose� Check and replace
(if necessary) defective magnetic starter�
Motor hums; motor
draws high amps, trips
overload, trips breaker,
or blows fuse on start up
compressor is able to start, then the unloader needs to be checked�
If this problem is not corrected it will fail the motor and / or other
electrical components�
constant loss of tank
unloader should quit hissing after the compressor shuts off� If the
hissing continues and if there is a constant loss of tank pressure, then
the check valve is not working properly� Replace check valve�
Loose electrical connections The entire electrical system should be checked by a certified electrician�
The incoming wires and the compressor electrical connections should
be checked� Loose connections will cause malfunctions�
Defectivecapacitor Check and replace (if necessary) defective capacitor�
Check gasket and replace as needed� Other symptoms occur when a
valve is not sealing or a gasket is blown such as higher than normal amp
draw which may trip out the overload or breaker�
Compressor runs but
builds pressure slowly
Air leak Check the entire system for leaks, including the compressor unit and
any piping attached to the compressor
Dirtyairfilter Air filters need to be changed regularly based on usage and
environment� A dirty filter may appear to be clean� Change filters often�
Check gasket and replace as needed� Other symptoms occur when a
valve is not sealing or a gasket is blown such as higher than normal amp
draw which may trip out the overload or breaker�
Tank cracked Replace the tank� The unit should not be run under any conditions.
Tanks cannot be welded or patched�
Interstage safety valve
pops off when the unit is
Malfunctioning interstage
safety valve
low pressure side of the pump� This is caused by valve leakage or blown
Low head bolt torque Check and retighten head bolts to specified torque�
Replace interstage safety valve� Under no circumstances plug the safety
valve port
Oil out breather
Worn rings or scored cylinder Replace rings and/or replace cylinder�
Compressor running hot Make sure compressor is running the correct rotation� Compressor
should be clean and in a well ventilated area� Oil should be changed on
regular intervals according to the specifications listed in the manual�
Air filter must be changed as it gets dirty�
Continued on next page