Operating Instructions
Reminder: Keep your dated proof of purchase for warranty purposes! Attach it to this manual or file it for safekeeping.
Limited Warranty
1. DURATION:Thecompressorpumpandairreceiveriswarrantedforthreeyearsfromthedateofpurchasebytheoriginal
purchaser� The balance of the compressor package is warranted for one year from the date of purchase by the original purchaser�
2. WHOGIVESTHISWARRANTY(WARRANTOR):CampbellHausfeld/ScottFetzerCompany,100ProductionDrive,Harrison,
Ohio, 45030, Telephone: 1-888-606-5587
3. WHORECEIVESTHISWARRANTY(PURCHASER):Theoriginalpurchaser(otherthanforpurposesofresale)oftheCampbell
Hausfeld air compressor�
4. WHATPRODUCTSARECOVEREDBYTHISWARRANTY:CampbellHausfeldCE7000,CE8000andCE9000Seriesaircompressors.
5. WHATISCOVEREDUNDERTHISWARRANTY:PartsandLabortoremedydefectsinmaterialand/orworkmanshipwiththe
exceptions noted below�
A. Impliedwarranties,includingthoseofmerchantabilityandFITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSEARELIMITEDFROM
implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you�
limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you�
C� Any failure due to:
1� Accident or purchaser’s abuse
2� Improper installation
3� Equipment that has not been operated or maintained in accordance with Campbell Hausfeld’s instructions as detailed in
the operating manual provided with the compressor�
4� Equipment that has been repaired or modified without authorization from Campbell Hausfeld�
E� The effects of normal wear and tear�
F� Gasoline engines and components are expressly excluded from coverage under this limited warranty� The Purchaser must
comply with the warranty given by the engine manufacturer which is supplied with the product�
G� Equipment that has been damaged in transit�
7. RESPONSIBILITIESOFWARRANTORUNDERTHISWARRANTY:Repairorreplace,atWarrantor’soption,compressoror
component which is defective, has malfunctioned and/or failed to conform within duration of the warranty period� Warranted
repairs will be made at the Purchaser’s location�
A� Provide dated proof of purchase and maintenance records�
B. Usereasonablecareintheoperationandmaintenanceoftheproductsasdescribedintheowner’smanual(s).
C� Repairs requiring overtime, weekend rates, or anything beyond the standard manufacturer warranty repair labor
reimbursement rate�
E� Location of unit must have adequate clearance for service personnel to perform repairs and easily accessible�
be scheduled and serviced according to the normal work flow at the servicing location, and depending on the availability of
replacement parts�
This Limited Warranty applies in the U�S�, Canada and Mexico only and gives you specific legal rights� You may also have other rights
which vary from State to State or country to country�