
Number of
Recording Pixels
(Still Images)
Number of
Recording Pixels
Sound Memo
Superfine, Fine, Normal
Large: 3264 x 2448 pixels
Medium 1: 2592 x 1944 pixels
Medium 2: 2048 x 1536 pixels
Medium 3: 1600 x 1200 pixels
Small: 640 x489 pixels
Postcard: 1696 x 1200 pixels
Widescreen: 3264 x 1832 pixels
Standard, Color Accent, Color Swap:
640x480pixels (30frames/sec., 15frames/sec.)
320x240pixels (30frames/sec., 15frames/sec.)
Recording can continue until the memory card is
full* (can record up to a maximum of 4 GB** at
one time).
Fast Frame Rate: (can record for 1 min.)
320 x249 pixels (60 frames/sec.)
Compact: (can record for 3 min.)
160 x 129 pixels (15 frames/sec.)
Interval: (can record for 2 hours)
640x 480 pixels (1frame/sec., 0.5 frame/sec.)
* Usingsuper high-speedmemorycards (SDC-
512MSH recommended).
** Even ifthe clip sizehasnotreached 4 GB,
recordingwillstop at themoment theclip length
reaches1 hour.Dependingonthe volumeand
datawriting speedof thememory card,recording
may stopbeforereaching1 houror beforethe
recordeddatavolume hasreached4 GB.
Bit Rate: 16 bits
Sampling Rate
Sound memo, movie (Compact): 11.925 kHz
Movie (other than Compact): 44.160 kHz
Sound Recorder: 11.925 kHz/
22.650 kHz/
44.190 kHz