
i'_E_ IIt_l,_:lI_|_ Lv_L'__ Isc.1
This mode is for recording people against a nightscape or points of
light, such as holiday lighting. You can depict the point source of
light in specific shapes to produce a fantastical image. Always use
the flash in this mode (flash is on by default).
Image shot with _ selected.
Special Effect Options
I m I _ I D I [] I _ I m I
Shooting Tips
eYou are advised to record a trial image before shooting to confirm
the effect before taking the actual picture.
eUse this mode in as dark a place as possible where there are
points of light, such as holiday lighting.
eShoot within range of the flash (p. 139) to ensure the subject is
illuminated by the flash. The subject must only be illuminated by
the flash and the point source.
eAfter shooting, check the image to see if itturns out as expected.