
Your camera is equipped with an Intelligent Orientation sensor that
detects the orientation of an image shot with the camera held
vertically and automatically rotates it to the correct orientation when
viewing it in the LCD monitor.
iset Upi Menu ...........
eWhen shoot ng and the Auto Rotate
function is set to [On] and the LCD _
monitor is set to the detailed display
mode, [] (normal), [] (right end is
down) or [] (left end is down) will
appear in the display. 2
_i_i _iiii_ _i/_ _,__x_l_i_/_+/_,_____ __ __________ii__ii_iiii__!iii_i_ _ _!ii_,_,_ii__ii _,_,_,___ _ _iiii__ _i__i_ _ii_/____,ΒΈ_i
When the camera is held vertically to shoot, the IntelIigent
Orientation sensor judges the upper end to be "up" and the
lower end to be "down". It then regulates the optimal white
balance, exposure and focus for vertical photography. This
function operates regardless of the on/off status of the Auto
Rotate function.