5-14 Setting up Network Servers
Installing the ColorPASS as a shared printer
The first step in creating a printer is installing the printer driver files, which give your
applications access to printer features. The installation instructions in Getting Started
can be used for every workstation that will print directly and independently to the
ColorPASS. However, if you are an administrator running Windows NT 4.0 Server,
Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, or Windows 2000 Professional, you can also create a
printer and share it with clients on the network. When a printer is shared, clients who
are not able or are not given permission to establish an independent network
connection to the ColorPASS can still print through the server.
You can specify sharing of the printer during installation of the ColorPASS printer
files. If you have not yet installed the ColorPASS printer files on the Windows NT 4.0
print server computer, do so now following the instructions in Getting Started. During
installation, enter the information necessary to share the ColorPASS.
If you have already installed the ColorPASS printer files on the computer you are using
as an NT 4.0 print server, see your Windows documentation for information about
sharing the ColorPASS.
If more than one ColorPASS print connection is published (for example, if both the
Print queue and the Hold queue are published), you may wish to create a printer for
each print connection so that you and other users can print to each connection
directly. When prompted to specify the printer name, enter a name that indicates the
ColorPASS print connection.
Configuring clients of a Windows NT 4.0 server
Each client of a Windows NT 4.0 server is already using a network protocol to
communicate with the server. Each client can print to the ColorPASS if it has
been shared by a Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, or
Windows 2000 Professional computer. In that case, the client does not have to use the
same network protocol to connect to the Windows NT 4.0 server as the server uses to
communicate with the ColorPASS.