3-19 Network Setup options
IP Address
Enter the ColorPASS IP address for Token Ring. This IP address, unlike an IP address
set automatically, remains the same if you reboot the ColorPASS. You must change the
default to a valid address for your network. For information about setting up printing
with TCP/IP, see Chapter 5.
Subnet Mask
This option lets you modify the subnet mask for printing with TCP/IP over Token
Ring. To set the subnet mask, enter one of the following values:
• if the IP address starts with a number less than 128
• if the IP address starts with a number from 128 through 191
• if the IP address starts with a number greater than 191
NOTE: Confirm the subnet mask setting with your network administrator before
proceeding. In some cases the required setting may be different from those listed.
Gateway Address
This option appears only if you answered No to Get Gateway Address Automatically,
or if you selected RARP as the protocol.
Use this option to set the gateway address for printing with TCP/IP. If your network
uses a gateway, you must change the default to a correct gateway address for your