Chapter 4 Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
Revised March, 2012 4-7
_DMC_01_start_v3_arc3_xy 2-axis arc interpolation motion with EndVel added
(Known conditions: Center point coordinates,
endpoint coordinates)
_DMC_01_start_v3_spiral_xy 2-axis spiral motion with EndVel added (Known
conditions: Center coordinates for X and Y axes)
_DMC_01_start_v3_spiral2_xy 2-axis spiral motion with EndVel added (Known
conditions: Center coordinates for X and Y axes,
endpoint coordinates for X and Y axes)
3-Axis Linear Interpolation Motion Control API
_DMC_01_start_tr_move_xyz 3-axis Linear interpolation motion using relative
coordinates with T-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_sr_move_xyz 3-axis Linear interpolation motion using relative
coordinates with S-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_ta_move_xyz 3-axis Linear interpolation motion using absolute
coordinates with T-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_sa_move_xyz 3-axis Linear interpolation motion using absolute
coordinates with S-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_v3_move_xyz 3-axis linear interpolation motion with EndVel added
3-Axis Spiral Interpolation Motion Control API
_DMC_01_start_tr_heli_xy 3-axis Spiral interpolation motion using relative
coordinates with T-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_sr_heli_xy 3-axis Spiral interpolation motion using relative
coordinates with S-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_ta_heli_xy 3-axis Spiral interpolation motion using absolute
coordinates with T-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_sa_heli_xy 3-axis Spiral interpolation motion using absolute
coordinates with S-curve velocity cross-section
_DMC_01_start_v3_heli_xy 3-axis Spiral interpolation motion with EndVel added
Velocity Motion Control API
_DMC_01_tv_move Velocity motion control with T-curve velocity
_DMC_01_sv_move Velocity motion control with S-curve velocity
Synchronization Motion Control API
_DMC_01_sync_move Start motion sync
_DMC_01_sync_move_config Enable/disable motion sync
Remote I/O Module Control API
_DMC_01_get_rm_input_value Retrieve the value for bit 0 to bit 15 of the remote I/O
module's input port