Chapter 3 Operating Principles | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
3-14 Revised March, 2012
Input Node ID and check the “Timer” checkbox to enable motion status display
NodeID item: API function argument variable “NodeID”.
Timer Checkbox: Check to display the motion status. Uncheck to disable display.
3) Enter values for slope and ratio
Figure 3.23
Slope item: Time required to go from 0 to 100% rate torque. (Unit: ms)
Ratio item: Thousandths of rated torque. For example, a value of 100 represents
10% of rated torque.
4) Set Servo Motor Power ON/OFF(servo on/servo off)
Figure 3.24
Click on the “SVON” button to execute the following procedure:
rt = _DMC_01_ipo_set_svon (gDMCCardNo, NodeID, SlotID , ON_OFF);
// ON_OFF: 0 – Servo Power OFF; 1 – Servo Power ON
5) Torque Motion Control
Click on the “” or “” button to execute the following procedure:
/* Set torque parameter (slope value) */
rt = _DMC_01_set_torque_mode(gDMCCardNo, NodeID, SlotID, slope);
/* Start torque motion */
rt = _DMC_01_set_torque(gDMCCardNo, NodeID, SlotID, ratio);
// If ratio is greater than 0, the motor rotates clockwise. If ratio is less than 0, the
motor rotates counterclockwise.
Press the “STOP” button to execute torque stop or not
/* Whether the motor's torque motion has stopped or not depends on the Stop value.
If Stop value is 1 then torque motion has stopped. */
rt = _DMC_01_set_torque_stop(gDMCCardNo, NodeID, SlotID, stop);
6) Display current torque value
rt = _DMC_01_get_torque(gDMCCardNo, NodeID, SlotID, &torque);
// torque variable will return current torque value