Chapter 25 Remote Module Control API | PCI-DMC-A01 / PCI-DMC-B01
25-4 Revised March, 2012
25.3 _DMC_01_set_rm_input_filter_enable
I16 PASCAL _DMC_01_set_rm_input_filter_enable(U16 CardNo, U16 NodeID,
U16 SlotID,U16 port,U16 enable)
Enables software mask for bit 0 to bit 15 of the remote I/O module's input port.
Name Data Type Unit Description
CardNo U16 Number Unit CardNo is between 0~15
NodeID U16 Number Unit Node ID
SlotID U16 Number Unit Slot ID
port U16 Selection
0: Port 0
1: Port 1
2: Port 2
3: Port 3
enable U16 Number
Port 0/1/2/3 bit0~bit15 software filter (Value
U16 CardNo=0;
U16 NodeID=1;
U16 SlotID=0;
U16 Port=0;
U16 Enable=0xFF;
/* Set bit 0 ~ bit 7 of filter mask for Port 0 of Remote digital input module to ON */
I16 status = _DMC_01_set_rm_input_filter_enable(CardNo, NodeID, SlotID, Port, Enable);