Calibration of the scale system
Wascator FOM 71 CLS
Installation of laboratory sensors for tempe-
rature and speed and connection for external
weight signal
Laboratory sensors can be attached to the
Wascator FOM 71 CLS model. However, it is
important that the installation is carried out in
accordance with the instructions below so as
not to incur improper operation or obtain inac-
curate test results.
Installation of a laboratory temperature
A suitable place for an external temperature
sensor can be found on the back gable of the
At the bottom of the gable, next to the rubber
hose running to the sample cock, there is a
socket to which a sensor can be connected.
Use a ¼” clamping nut for the sensor.
Maximum insertion of the sensor is 50 mm from
the edge of the socket. If the sensor is inserted
too far, it will interfere with the rotating inner
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