Installation inspection of the reference machine
FOM 71 MP-Lab
Installation inspection of the reference machine
Before carrying out any major test series, inspect the installation and
check the following items:
• Inordertomakeinstallationandservicingthemachineeasier,thefol-
lowing clearances are recommended:
o At least 500 mm between the machine and the wall behind.
o A minimum clearance of 250mm at the sides between the machine
and a wall or other machine, where more than one machine is instal-
• Checkthemountingboltstotheoor,asinthistypeofmachinethe
drum is attached directly to the frame. As a result, the floor under the
machine must be stable enough to absorb the dynamic forces genera-
ted during the spin cycles. For fastening details see the Operating and
installation manual for FOM 71 MP-Lab.
• Checkthelevellingofthemachine.Theverticaldifferencefromcorner
to corner of the top lid shall not exceed 5 mm. If this is not the case,
adjust the feet of the machine.
• ThemachinemustbeconnectedusingthesuppliedYhoseortwo
single hoses.
• Checkthattheamountofsupplywateratthewaterconnectionto
the reference machine is sufficient and in line with the specification in
the standard (15 ± 2 litre) and that the amount can be maintained in
all circumstances. Water pressure at the machine's water intake must
never fall below 100 kPa.
• Checkthatthepowersupplyiscompliantwiththevoltagespecied
on the reference machine's data label and within the tolerances of the
standard (± 2%).
• Makesurethatthepowersupplycanmaintaintherequiredvoltage
level whilst the reference machine is heating.
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