
Using Expanded Memory Beyond 64OKB
The Equity 386/25 PLUS comes with 2MB of random access
memory. MS-DOS and your application programs that run
under MS-DOS use the first 640KB of memory. You can use the
unused memory above 640KB as extended memory, or you can
use it as expanded memory, as described below.
Expanded memory can be used by application programs (such as
Lotus® l-2-3®) that support the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded
Memory Specification (LIM 4.0 EMS). To take advantage of
expanded memory, you need to use a memory manager to
convert the computer’s extended memory to expanded memory.
If you selected a memory management software package when
you bought your Equity 386/25 PLUS, you can use the memory
manager with either version of MS-DOS. Just follow the
instructions included with the package.
If you are using version 4.01 of MS-DOS and you did not get
a memory manager, you can use the MS-DOS program
EMM386.SYS to convert your extended memory to expanded
memory. See your MS-DOS Reference Manual for instructions
on using EMM386.SYS.
If you are using version 3.3 of MS-DOS and you did not get a
memory manager with your system, ask your authorized Epson
dealer which expanded memory manager program you should
Enhancing System Operations