Install a drive in the rear internal drive bracket
Remove a drive from the rear internal drive bracket.
Also consult the documentation that came with your drive for
additional information.
Your tower computer can hold up to seven mass storage
devices, as described in the table below.
Drive bay Drive type
Drive size
Four externally
Diskette, CD-ROM,
Two 5.25inch, half-height
accessible bays tape, or optical
drives or one 5.25inch,
drives, or a PCMCIA
full-height drive and two
card reader
3.5.inch, half-height drives
One front Hard disk drive only
One 3.5.inch, half-height or
internal bay
third-height drive
Two rear internal
Hard disk drive only
Two 3.5.inch, half-height or
third-height drives or one
3.5.inch, full-height drive
To install or remove a drive, first remove the computer’s cover
as described under “Removing the Cover” in Chapter 4. Then
remove any option cards that may be in your way. Once you
finish installing or removing drives, replace any option cards
you removed. See “Installing an Option Card” in Chapter 4 for
6-2 Installing and Removing Tower Drives