Make sure the option card is not touching any other card or
component on your main system board.
If you installed a PCI card in a PCI slot, check to see that the
PCI options in SETUP are set correctly for your card. For more
information, see “Configuring PCI devices” in Chapter 2.
An external device connected to the option card is not
working correctly.
Make sure you are using the proper cable to securely connect
the device to the card.
Memory Module Problems
The memory count displayed by power-on diagnostics or
the SETUP program is incorrect.
You may have installed the SIMMs incorrectly. They may be
the wrong type or speed, or they may not be inserted all the
way or in the correct sockets. See “Installing Memory Modules
(SIMMs)” in Chapter 4 for more information.
If you have installed a gold-plated SIMM in the sockets, the
socket may have corroded slightly. Remove the SIMM and
clean the gold-plated connector with a pencil eraser; then
reinstall the SIMM.