
button, 1-8–10
inlet, 1-3, 1-5, 1-7, 7-4
light, 1-8–9, 7-4, 7-7
source, 1-2
Power cable
computer, 1-7, 4-2, 4-5
diskette drive, 5-12–13, 5-20
hard disk drive, 5-8, 5-11, 5-13,
5-20, 5-23
monitor, 1-5
Power supply
cable, 6-7, 6-13, 6-19
cables, 5-11–12, 5-19–20
input ranges, 1-2, A-6
limits, 7-6, A-7
location, 4-6
specifications, A-6
voltage selector switch, 1-2
Power-on diagnostics, 1-9, 2-12,
7-3, 7-16
Power-saving modes, 3-7–8
Precautions, iii-vi, 1-1
available options, A-16
connecting, 1-6
connector pin assignments, A-14
drivers, 7-15
port, 1-3, 1-6, A-4
problems, 7-14
turning off, 1-10
turning on, 1-9
Processor, Intro-1, A-2
locating, 4-6–8
upgrades, A-9
upgrading, 4-32–34
Processor speed, changing, 3-12,
Program, stopping, 3-9
PS/2 compatible, A-4
RAM, Intro-1, 2-10, A-2
Random Access Memory, see RAM
Read/ write errors, 7-12
Real-time clock, A-3
RESET button, 1-8–9, 3-10, 3-12
Resetting the computer, 3-10–11,
Resolutions, see Video resolutions
Resume system activity, 3-8
ROM, 2-10, 2-18, A-2
RS-232C ports, see Serial ports
Safety instructions, iii-vi, 1-1, 3-1–5
Scanner, 7-14
SCSI cards, Intro-3
Security and anti-virus options,
2-13–14, 2-16
Diskette access, 2-15
Fixed disk boot sector, 2-15
Password on boot, 2-13–15
Set User Password, 2-14
Supervisor Password, 2-14
Serial number, 7-2
Serial ports
connecting, 1-5–7
controller, A-4
jumpers, 4-9
location, 1-3
pin assignments, A-15
problems, 7-14
Service, Intro-4–5
SETUP program
advanced options, 2-7, 2-9–11
anti-virus options, 2-13–15
autotype fixed disk, 2-5
boot options, 2-12
cache memory, 2-9
date, 2-4
default settings, 2-2, 2-18
displaying default settings, 2-3
drive configuration, 2-4, 2-6
Index 7