Editing the Target Device Settings
Epson TWAIN provides several target device definitions you
can use or edit to suit your needs. In addition to Gamma
Correction and Color Correction settings, the Target Device
screen allows you to edit Resolution settings.
You may want to use only the VGA Screen target device or the
target devices you defined to change resolutions, for example,
“VGA with 200 DPI.”
When you scan an image using the VGA target device option,
you get the best quality scan. Your image editing software can
then provide the output settings appropriate for your output
If you are scanning a color image and you select a target device
other than a VGA option, the colors displayed may not match
the colors in the original.
If you get poor color quality from a dot matrix or ink jet printer,
try re-scanning the image using a different target device, such
as LQ printer or Thermal printer. The colors on the screen will
be inaccurate, but your color printout will be better.
3-14 Using TWAIN