
The following terms are used to describe unit logout functions.
Activity: A PTT or Radio Login.
PTT: Push-To-Talk, keying a radio.
Radio Login: Site message generated when units auto login.
This can occur when a unit powers up or changes groups/sites
and the unit is programmed for auto login capability.
Unit locate: Defined by group and site that a unit is logged
Group locate: Defined by number of units logged onto a
group. This "Unit Count" is reported by each site.
Unit locate by Site: View of all the individual location
responses from selected sites and groups.
In order for a call to NOT be routed to a particular group
and/or site, ALL units must be logged off so that Group Count
is equal to zero.
Timed Logout
A unit's multisite timer is set to a predetermined time each time it
(the radio) keys. Timed logout logs units off of all sites after the
requested unit has not shown any activity (keyed or login to
another site) for the predetermined time. Multisite timers for all
units are set-up in the Unit/Group Locations and Unit Logout
dialog box and they are maintained by (stored in) the MOM
Controller Board.
A unit timer is maintained for each unit, and has the characteristics
listed below.
Set at the CEC/IMC Manager and stored in MOM
Controller Board NOVRAM.
Set from 0 to 24 hours in 15 minute increments.
All timers can be set to the same value.
Unit Timers set to No Timeout never log off. This is used
for units that show very little activity.
Unit Timers decrement each minute but reset when a unit
shows activity.
ACTIVITY is defined as a PTT or radio login.
ALL unit timers can be suspended from decrementing by
unselecting (disabling) "Multisite Unit Logout" in the