
Device Type
This field displays the interface module type: MIM, NIM, etc.
(currently only MIMs, NIMs, and PIMs can be equipped with T1/E1
Interface Cards).
Device Assign
This field displays the setting of the interface module Controller Board
dip switches (site assignment number).
Card Number
This field indicates which (active) cards within the interface
module the subsequent data fields reference. Each interface
module will eventually be able to support up to eight (currently
only one) T1/E1 Interface Cards, with only four cards active at any
given time (See Cards Active below.).
Sig Active
This field indicates if a T1/E1 signal is being received. If the
T1/E1 Interface Card detects a T1/E1 signal being received this
field will be "Y," and "N" if not. At the T1/E1 Interface Card LED
DS5 (labeled "SIG") will also be illuminated if this field is "Y."
Frame Sync
This field indicates if frame synchronization exists. If the T1/E1
Interface Card detects a valid T1/E1 receive framing sequence this
field will be "Y," and "N" if not. At the T1/E1 Interface Card LED
DS6 (labeled "SYNC") will also be illuminated if this field is "Y."
This field indicates which system clock (A/B) is providing the
clocking function for the card.
Line Relay
This field will be used to indicate redundancy status in later code
Cfg Data
This field indicates if configuration data exists for the card (Y/N).
If the T1/E1 Interface Card has received a database this field will
be set to "Y," and "N" if not.