
Unit Timers set to No Timeout never log off. This is used
for units that show very little activity.
Unit Timers decrement each minute but reset when a unit
shows activity.
ACTIVITY is defined as a PTT or radio login.
ALL unit timers can be suspended from decrementing by
unselecting (disable) "Multisite Unit Logout" in the
System Options dialog box (Configure System /
System Options / Multisite Settings). This does not
reset unit timers or change unit timer reset values, so if
"Multisite Unit Logout" is selected (enable) the unit
timers will again decrement from the previously set
Command Logout
Command logout instantly logs the requested unit off of all sites.
The command logout option can be selected to mark and logoff
operator selected units when it is not desired to have units
automatically log off the CEC/IMC (timed logout).
3.20.1 Unit Timed Logout Configuration
Unit logout timers are set at the CEC/IMC Manager from the
Unit/Group Location and Unit Logout dialog box. With the timer-
based multisite unit logout option, each unit has a count-down timer in
the MOM that is initialized at radio login and re-initialized at each
radio PTT. The MOM periodically decrements each timer and when
the timer for a particular unit times-out the CEC/IMC will either logout
the unit, or query the unit if "Multisite Logout Polling" is enabled, and
if there is no response to this query logout the unit. Each unit's timer
can be programmed in 15-minute increments up to 24 hours. Typically,
most timers will be set in the 8- to 10-hour range. Set the timers to the
required amount.
Configure Unit Timed Logout.
The operator can select any unit for unit timer configuration from the
list box displaying Unit Alias, LID, and Timeout value. The unit alias,
LID, group alias, and GID will also be displayed in the Manual Entry
fields (see below). The number of units available for selection is
displayed at the lower right corner of the list box (# Units Displayed).
The time-out value that is displayed for the units is the MOM
Controller Board NOVRAM stored time. Select the time-out value
from the Select Timeout drop-down list box, the selection choices are