Page 8 MNNCEKRKB1_0439
2 Descriptio n
2.1 Specifica tions
The EKR-KB1 keyboard is a product for professional use in applications for security and surveillance.
In a security system the keyboard is used to control video switching, to manage alarm conditions should they
occur and for remote control of digitally controlled receivers.
2.1.1 Keyboard
Backlighted LCD with 4 lines of 20 characters for controlling operations
Ergonomic key configuration
Easy to use: the most commonly used operations are activated by pressing a single key
Telemetry control by joystick
2.1.2 Set up
Complete keyboard on display setup
National language selection
Control of a wide range of high speed domes and receivers
Input and output enabling/disabling can be controlled by each keyboard
Enabling/disabling of groups of keys
Autotest of communication channels
RS485 communication lines.
2.1.3 Security
Buzzer for breaks in communication and alarm
3 password levels, which can be set up individually within each keyboard:
• connection password: requested when the keyboard is switched on, to prevent use by unauthorised
• alarm reset password: requested when alarm is cleared from the keyboard;
• setup password: requested when setup is required (of either the keyboard or the matrix).
Every password consists of a series of 5 digits and can be disabled if set to 00000.
2.2 Equipmen t that can be connected to the EKR-KB1 keyboard
2.2.1 Video matr ix
Eneo EKR-32/8
Eneo EKR-8/4, EKR-16/4
Videotec SM328A
Videotec SM42A, SM82A
Videotec SM84A, SM164A
Videotec SW328
Videotec SW164OSM (con adattatore di linea RS232 - RS485)
2.2.2 Video multi plexer
Eneo color and B/W model VCMT-8009/80016 / VBMT-8009/80016
Videotec SP16C
Javelin color and B/W model JPMCD16X / JPMMD16X
Multiplexer Sony YS-DX516P
Multiplexer Ademco DVR AHDR4 / DVR AHDR9 / AHDR16
Multiplexer Sanyo MPX-CD93P / MPX-CD163P