Page 46 MNNCEKRKB1_0439
5.14 Video mu ltiplexer Videotec SP16C
5.14.1 Description
The SP16C allows the connection of 16 input videos, which are digitalized and shown as a composite image at
output. A spot service monitor supplies the display of one of the inputs.
Communication from keyboard to multiplexer is one-way.
It is also possible to control the multiplexer indirectly, using a new generation video matrix (EKR-8/4, EKR-16/4).
This type of control is described in § 5.15 - Controlling the multiplexer using a video device, page 48.
5.14.2 Connexion Cable
RJjack1 RJjack2
L=1200 m
EKR-KB1 RJjack 1 RJjack 2 SP16C
RS485A White Black RS485A
RS485B Yellow Yellow RS485B
The connection is of the RS485 type (one-way) and the maximum distance between keyboard and multiplexer is
1200 metres. Multiplexer settings
The multiplexer can only be set up using the local multiplexer keyboard.
Set the right baud rate and the multiplexer identification number.
See the respective manual. Keyboard settings
While the keyboard is being set up, the
submenu should be set as
Control of a SP16C multiplexer
Four baud rate values are available. Operational test
If the keyboard is connected directly with the multiplexer set up in this way using the cable as indicated above, it
should be possible to switch the input videos immediately:
• press
to select multiplexer unit 1
• press
, , to select the input videos.
Each command sent by the keyboard corresponds to the lighting up of an LED on the local multiplexer
Warning! If the number of the multiplexer unit does not coincide with the commands sent from the
keyboard, they will be ignored.