Page 87 MNNCEKRKB1_0439
6.12.4 Setup
Dome setup is mostly carried out by On Screen Menu.
Some parameters can be set up by pressing a combination of keys or by inserting a special code.
For all setup operations the keyboard must be enabled to perform the receiver setup (menu
). OSM Setup
Connect the dome directly to the keyboard following the diagram shown and a monitor to the dome video outlet.
starts dome setup
The dome shows the menu on video; the keyboard shows the mode change on the display:
ends setup
: movement within the menus
: “set”
: “exit”
: enter special menu
: reset all
/ , Zoom when provided.
6.12.5 Autopan
The autopan setup changes are enabled only when the next time autopan is started.
(equivalent to ): autopan on
Warning! the autopan function acts differently depending on the menu setting for the item “auto pan
(or ): stop autopan
Auto mode:
off, seq on, sort on
: endless mode
: endless off mode
6.12.6 Autopan fu nctions for WV-CS850 model
Autopan speed: increase, decrease
: store the present position as first limit switch
: store the present position as second limit switch
: Autopan inverting direction