Reading Temperature
The most recent temperature measurement can be read using the following
T<EOS> reads the most recent measurement
The syntax of the response is as follows:
The _’s represent space characters. The n’s represent the digits of the measure-
ment value. If fewer digits are needed the leading positions are filled with space
characters. The u represents the unit which is either ‘C’, ‘F’, ‘K’, or ‘O’ (for
ohms). The time stamp appears if this option is enabled (see Section7.3.1.4 be-
low). The time appears in 24-hour format with two digits each for hours, min-
utes, and seconds.
The following SCPI compatible command can also be used to return the most
recent measurement but without the label and unit.
FETCH?<EOS> returns the value of the most recent measurement Automatically transmitting measurements
By setting the sample period, the 1504 can be programmed to automatically
transmit measurements from the RS-232 port at specified intervals. The sample
period can be set remotely using the commands:
SA=[[hh:]mm:]ss<EOS> sets the sample period
SA=0<EOS> disables automatic transmission of measurements
The value of the sample period can be from 0 seconds to 24 hours. It is not nec
essary to give hours or minutes for values in seconds. A value of 0 disables au
tomatic transmission of measurements. Following are some example
SA=10<EOS> sets the sample period to 10 seconds
1504 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide
*VER read model number and firmware version number
IDN? read manufacturer, model number, serial number, and firmware version number (SCPI
H read a partial list of commands
Command List Continued