Setting the Serial Number
The following command is used to set the serial number of the 1504:
*SN=<value><EOS> sets the instrument’s serial number
7.3.6 Other Commands
Remaining commands are described below. Instrument Identification
The following command returns the model number and firmware version
*VER<EOS> returns the model and firmware version numbers
The syntax of the response is as follows:
The m’s represent digits of the model number. The v’s represent the digits of
the firmware version number. As an example, if the version number was 1.10
the response would be “ver.1504,1.10".
The following IEEE-488.2 and SCPI compatible command can be used to read
the manufacturer, model number, serial number, and firmware version number.
*IDN?<EOS> returns identification data for the instrument
The syntax of the response is as follows:
HART,1504,<serial number>,v.vv
The v’s represent the digits of the firmware version number. As an example, if
the serial number was 6A1202 and the version number was 1.10 the response
would be “HART,1504,6A1202,1.10". Reading a List of Commands
The following command returns a list of commands:
HELP<EOS> returns a list of commands
1504 Thermometer Readout
User’s Guide