Immunity Testing
The instrument was tested to the requirements for industrial locations. This al
lows the instrument to be used in all types of locations from the laboratory to
the factory floor. Criterion C was used for Electrostatic Discharge (ESD, IEC
61000-4-2) and Electric Fast Transit (EFT, Burst, IEC 61000-4-4). If the instru
ment is subjected to EFT conditions at 2kV, the instrument may require the user
to cycle the power to return to normal operation. Emission Testing
The instrument fulfills the limit requirements for Class A equipment but does
not fulfill the limit requirements for Class B equipment. The instrument was
not designed to be used in domestic establishments.
10.1.2 Low Voltage Directive (Safety)
In order to comply with the European Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC),
Hart Scientific equipment has been designed to meet the IEC 1010-1 (EN
61010-1) and the IEC 1010-2-010 (EN 61010-2-010) standards.
10 Troubleshooting
CE Comments