1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
Interface Commands
The returned value is a resistance ratio after processing by the digital lter. If no measurement is available, no
response is returned and error code -230, “Data corrupt or stale” is generated in the error queue. STAT:OPER?
Example response: 16
Reads and clears the Operation Status Event Register. This indicates whether a new measurement became
available to read (using FETC?) since the previous STAT:OPER? query. The return value is 16 if a new mea-
surement has been acquired and 0 otherwise. Reading the Operation Status Event Register using this command
clears the register. The register is also cleared when a *CLS or FETC? command is received. STAT:OPER:COND?
Example response: 16
Reads the Operation Status Condition Register. This indicates whether or not measurement is enabled. The
return value is 16 if measurement is enabledand 0 otherwise. Reading the Operation Status Condition Register
does not change it. STAT:OPER:ENAB <value>
Example command: STAT:OPER:ENAB 16
Query form: STAT:OPER:ENAB?
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the Operation Status Enable Register. This mask register determines which corresponding bits of the Op-
eration Status Event Register affect the Operation Status Bit (OSB, bit 7) of the Status Byte Register. A value
of 16 enables reporting when a new measurement is acquired. The default setting is 0. STAT:QUES?
Example response: 16
Reads and clears the Questionable Status Event Register. This indicates whether a new measurement that was
erroneous or questionable was acquired since the previous STAT:QUES? query.
The bits in the Questionable Status Event Register correspond to the bits in the Questionable Status Condition
Register and are caused by the same conditions (see Section, STAT:QUES:COND?, on page 94).
The difference is the bits in the Questionable Status Event Register remain set after the condition no longer ex-
ists. Reading the Questionable Status Event Register using the STAT:QUES? command clears the register. The
register is also cleared when a *CLS command is received. STAT:QUES:COND?
Example response: 16
Reads the Questionable Status Condition Register. This indicates whether the latest measurement was errone-
ous or questionable.
The return value is 16 if the latest measurement is questionable and 0 otherwise. The Questionable Status
Condition Register is cleared when a new valid measurement is acquired. Reading the Questionable Status
Condition Register does not change it. STAT:QUES:ENAB <value>
Example command: STAT:QUES:ENAB 16
Query form: STAT:QUES:ENAB?
Alternate parameter: DEF
Sets the Questionable Status Enable Register. This mask register determines which corresponding bits of the
Questionable Status Event Register affect the Questionable Status Bit (QSB, bit 3) of the Status Byte Register.
A value of 16 enables reporting of questionable measurements. The default setting is 0.