
1594A/1595A Super-Thermometer
257 Ω. Divide the result by the sensitivity of the PRT (dR/dT) at 420 °C. This can be found in the PRT calibra-
tion report. For this example, 0.4 Ω/°C is used. The resulting uncertainty is 0.0013°C. Measurement Noise at 420 °C
The noise of the measurement at 420 °C is observed using the Standard Error of the Mean statistic eld of the
1595A. In this example it is 0.00003 °C. Combining the Uncertainties
To calculate the entire uncertainty of the measurement, the standard uncertainties from the 1595A should be
combined with the (k = 1) PRT calibration uncertainty at 420 °C. The standard uncertainties are combined by
RSS and then multiplied by the required coverage factor. Example 5: Measuring a 10 kΩ Thermistor
In this example, a 1595A is used to measure a 10 kΩ thermistor probe at 0 °C. The 1595A accuracy, when
measuring the thermistor probe is based on the following:
Resistance accuracy of the 1595A
Measurement noise Resistance Accuracy
First, calculate the 1595A absolute resistance accuracy at 26839.94 (the resistance of the 10-k Ω thermistor
probe at 0 °C) when using the 10 k Ω internal reference resistor. The one-year absolute resistance accuracy
is 4 ppm of reading (k = 1). This is converted to temperature by dividing 4 ppm by 1.0 × 10
and multiplying
by 26839.94 Ω. The result is then divided by dR/dt of the thermistor probe at 0 °C which, in this example, is
1244.9 Ω/°C. The nal result is 0.000085 °C. Measurement Noise
Measurement noise is best observed by using the Standard Error of the Mean statistics eld of the Super-Ther-
mometer. In this example, the standard error of the mean is 0.000004 °C. Combining the Uncertainties
If the thermistor probe is being measured in temperature mode with calibration coefcients, the standard
uncertainty of the calibration (listed on the calibration report) would be combined by RSS with the resistance
accuracy and measurement noise uncertainties.