Menus and Screens
Main Menu READ PROBE (F4)
The Read Probe function key allows the user to read a probe denition from the USB memory device into the
Probe Library.
When a USB memory device, that contains a probe denition le, is inserted in the front panel, the Read
Probe screen displays a list of probe denition les (*.prb) found on the memory device. By scrolling up and
down the list using the arrow keys, the user can select the desired probe denition le. Pressing the ENTER
key (with the le selected) will open the le and display the probe denitions it contains. At this point a probe
denition can be selected and read into the Probe Library by pressing the ENTER key again.
If the selected probe denition in the USB memory device has the same ID as a probe denition that already
exists in the Probe Library, a warning message appears warning that the probe denition in the library will be
replaced. The user may press the YES function key to update the probe denition and exit, or press NO (or the
EXIT key) to return to the Assign Probe screen.
Tip: Probe denition les must be located in a folder named “\159x\probe\” on the USB memory device.
The les must have the extension “.prb” and contain probe denition data in the proper format. This
type of le can be created by using the Write File function in the Manage Probes menu. MANAGE PROBES (F5)
The Manage Probes screen is used for reading probe denition les from memory, writing denition les to
memory, moving probe denition locations in the Probe Library and deleting probe denitions.
In the Manage Probe screen, the Probe Library is displayed as well as the following function keys. READ FILE (F1)
The Read File function key allows the user to read a probe denition le (.prb) from the USB memory device.
A probe denition le may contain multiple probe denition les. The les have to be located in the folder
\159x\probe\ in the memory device and have the extension .prb.
A le is read by inserting a memory device containing a valid probe denition le into the front panel. When
READ FILE (F1) is pressed, a list of all probe les that reside on the memory device is shown. The le is se-
lected by using the using the arrow keys. The le is transferred to the Probe Library upon pressing the ENTER
key and conrming the action.
Important: Any probe denition in the Probe Library that has the same ID as any probe denition in the
memory device will be overwritten. WRITE FILE (F2)
The Write File function key exports one probe denition le or the entire Probe Library from the Super-Ther-
mometer to the USB memory device.
When in the Manage Probes screen, select either a single probe denition or ALL PROBES (at the end of
the list). When WRITE FILE (F2) is selected, the name of the le to which the denitions will be written is
displayed. Pressing the ENTER key will open the Alpha-Numeric Interface so the le name can be entered.
Pressing CONTINUE (F1) writes the le to memory.