2620A, 2625A
Users Manual
Table 4-8. Command and Query Reference (cont)
ALARM_LIMIT Set Alarm Limit
Store alarm limit information for the indicated channel and limit. The
fields to be given (in order) are:
ALARM_LIMIT <channel>,<limit_num>,<sense>,<value>
<channel> = (0 .. 20)
<limit_num> = 1 2
<sense> = HI LO OFF
<value> = Signed numeric quantity
A Command Error is generated if a value is supplied when the sense is
OFF. An Execution Error is generated under any of the following
<value> is outside the range +/-9999.9 Mega (E+6).
<channel>, <limit_num>, or <sense> are not specified from the given list.
A <channel> that is defined as OFF is specified.
Note that old alarm settings for a channel are lost when the function for
that channel is changed.
ALARM_LIMIT? Alarm Limit Assignments Query
Return alarm limit data for specified channel and limit.
ALARM_LIMIT? <channel>,<limit_num>
<channel> = (0 .. 20)
<limit_num> = 1 2
Returns HI, LO, or OFF, indicating the sense of that limit. For HI or LO
limits, the value is returned in scientific notation format with five digits of
resolution. If the channel specified is invalid, or the requested limit is not
1 or 2, an Execution Error is generated.
Remember that old alarm settings for a channel are lost when
the function for that channel is changed.
DATE Set Date
Set instrument calendar values.
DATE <month>,<date>,<year>
<month> = (1 .. 12)
<date> = (1 .. 31)
<year> = (00 .. 99)
Invalid values generate an Execution Error.