2620A, 2625A
Users Manual
Table 2-2. Front Panel Pushbuttons (cont)
M Turns the Monitor function on or off.
I Allows you to change the scan interval. Scanning becomes continuous when the
interval is set to 0:00:00.
U Enables/disables logging measurements to the printer (Autoprint - RS-232 only) or
to internal data memory (Memory Storage). Only the Hydra Data Logger provides
internal Memory Storage.
N Calls up the Review array of MIN, MAX and LAST values to the display.
O Calls up the present Totalizer count to the display.
L (RS-232 only) Prints out the Last values of the Review array (2620A and 2625A) or
Data Logger memory (2625A only) via the RS-232 interface.
K Accesses secondary functions under various keys, as described below. When this
button is pressed, "SHIFt" appears on the right display, but automatically
disappears if you have not made a selection within 5 seconds or if you press D.
LOCAL (K) When under remote control without lockout (REMS), this returns control to the front
RATE (K J) Allows you to change the scanning speed: "Slo" for highest accuracy, or "FASt" for
highest throughput.
CLOCK (K I) Allows you to set the internal day/date clock.
MODE (K U) Allows you to select the conditions for which scan measurements will be
automatically printed or logged.
This button sequence clears the entire contents of the Review array. Review data
must be presently shown on the display to clear the array.
COMM (K L) Allows you to set up a computer interface port.
ZERO (K O) While the Totalizer count is displayed, resets the Totalizer to 0.
Forces an immediate scan of all defined channels. If a scan is presently in progress,
this new request is ignored. Once begun, the full scan is completed. Configuration
changes are not allowed while a scan is in progress.
TRIGS (K M) Allows you to set up the auxiliary scan trigger mechanisms.
Setting up a Channel
Channel set ups are made in Configuration Mode, which must be entered from Inactive
Mode. If the instrument is in Active Mode, turn the Scan and/or Monitor function off
before proceeding.
Follow the steps below to change the channel setup. More detailed instructions for
setting all instrument parameters are provided in Chapter 3.
During the following steps, note that some items on the display are brightly lit, and
others are dimly lit. The bright item is intended to focus your attention on the choice the
instrument is offering you at that moment.
Press D to exit the channel setup menu at any time, leaving the old setup