2620A, 2625A
Users Manual
Table 4-8. Command and Query Reference (cont)
IEE? Instrument Event Enable Query
Returns the present value of the Instrument Event Enable Register as an
IER? Instrument Event Register Query
Returns the value of the Instrument Event Register as an integer, then
clears all bits.
INTVL Set Scan Interval
Set scan interval time.
INTVL <hours>,<minutes>,<seconds>
<hours> = (0 .. 9)
<minutes> = (0 .. 99)
<seconds> = (0 .. 99)
An Execution Error is generated if values outside the specified ranges
are used or if measurements are active.
INTVL? Scan Interval Query
Return scan interval time. Returns three values: hours, minutes, and
LAST? Channel’s Last Scan Value
Returns value(s) for channels measured in the most recent scan. The
value returned represents data from the most recent scan. The most
recent scan is the scan in progress or, if scanning is not in progress, the
last completed scan.
LAST? <channel>
<channel> = (0 .. 20)
Returns measurement values for either the indicated channel or all
defined channels. If the channel specification field is left blank, values for
all defined channels are returned (values for channels defined as OFF
are not included.) An Execution Error results if a request is made for a
channel defined as OFF, the channel specified is invalid, the channel
specified has been set up but not yet measured, or Review array values
have been cleared.
The response is a signed number with decimal point and exponent. For
slow scanning rate, 5 digits are returned (+/-XX.XXXE+/-X); for fast
scanning rate, 4 digits are returned (+/-XX.XXE+/-X). The range setting
determines placement of the decimal point.
For values of all defined channels (no channel specification made),
undefined (OFF) channels are not included. For each defined channel, a
separate signed number with decimal point and exponent is returned.
Commas separate numbers for different channels, and no blank spaces
are included.