Calibration and Verification
Minimum Use Requirements
Table 3-15. Minimum Use Requirements
Description Minimum Use Specifications
Calibration Equipment
1. Voltage Reference
10V nominal, true value certified to within
±1.5 ppm
Fluke 732B
2. Resistance Standards
1Ω nominal, true value certified to within 10
ppm, 10 kΩ nominal, true value certified to
within 4 ppm
Fluke 742A Series, 1Ω
and 10 kΩ
Calibration Verification Equipment
3. Reference Voltage
Range uncertainty 100:1, 1 kV input, ±0.5
ppm 10:1 100V input ±0.2 ppm
Fluke 752A
4. Null Detector
Leakage resistance to case: 10
Ω min.
Resolution: 3 µV full scale
EM Electronics N11
(Fluke 845A)
5. Low Thermal EMF
Plug-in. Copper or gold-flashed copper (two
cables per set, two sets required).
Fluke 5440A-7002
Spade lug. Copper or gold-flashed copper
(two cables per set, two sets required).
Fluke 5440A-7003
6. Digital Multimeter
DC Voltage Range: 0.1 to 10V Resolution
and short-term stability: ±2 ppm Resistance
range: 1Ω to 10 MΩ Resolution and short-
term stability :±20 uΩ at 1Ω, 1.9Ω ±5 ppm at
10Ω, 19Ω ±2 ppm at 100Ω to 1.9 MΩ ±4
ppm at 10 MΩ, 19 MΩ
Wavetek 1281 or
HP 3458A
7. Current Source
Range: 10 mA and 100 mA Typical short-
term stability ±15 ppm for 5 minutes
Fluke 55X0A,
5700A/5720A Series II,
8. AC Measurement
Ranges: 2.2 mV through 1000V AC
Frequency: 10 Hz to 1 MHz
24 to 7500 ppm, depending on amplitude
and frequency (see Table 3-9.)
Wideband Ranges: 2.2 mV through 7V
Frequency: 10 Hz to 30 MHz
Uncertainty: 0.03% to 0.9%, depending on
amplitude and frequency (see Table 3-18.)
Fluke 5790A (Option -
03 required for
Wideband Flatness